Thursday, December 07, 2006

OH! Well, that makes it ok!

On Britney Spears' website today she gives what I'm sure she thinks are very reasonable excuses for why she has been hanging out with someone like Paris Hilton, leaving her babies at home with an unknown babysitter for numerous nights in a row, and forgetting to put on underwear. Now try to forget the fact that Britney is a pop star (and not a very good one at that) who makes millions of dollars for doing very little (not very well I might add), and disregard the fact that Britney insisted and was reported in numerous publications saying that she wanted to be a young mother, and read her statement where she whines:

"Its been so long since I've been out on the town with my friends. It's also been 2 years since I've even celebrated my birthday."

--Britney Spears on her website

Aww, I didn't realize that Britney. You're right. Never mind all the other hardworking single parents that work stressful jobs for a blue-collar wage without anybody to help out with their kids and can't even remember the last time they have been on vacation. You Britney, brought us such priceless poetically titled gems as "Hit Me Baby One More Time" and a rather raspy cover of Bobby Brown's "My Prerogative." Tongue kissing Madonna at an awards show takes more out you than I thought. Leave the kids home more often and party it up as much as you want--you, after all, deserve it.

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