Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Ever since I got my pride and joy, "Ducky", a white 1.83 GHz Apple Macbook, I have totally become a Mac snob. A PC user my entire life, I never really used a Mac until college, where I was editor of the yearbook and our offices had Macs as design programs run best (and are first designed for) Apple computers. Over the years, I witnessed more and more how efficient the OSX operating system is, and decided that my first laptop would have to be a Mac. Ever since, I have fallen in love with my Macbook, and have a hard time tolerating the sluggish inefficiency of PCs. As though now a member of an exclusive society, those "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" commercials have become extremely amusing (and truthful!) and I am totally titillated whenever I spot a Mac on TV (Marc Horowitz has one in those "Seven Days in a Sentra"commercials, I've also spotted them on reruns of shows like Friends, Sex and the City, and Yes Dear, as well as new shows like Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, and Ugly Betty.) Today, I came across Tyra Banks' Holiday Wish List, where she says she would like a Macbook just like mine! To think that I have something Tyra Banks wants--now that is very cool. I shall be very amused indeed as I watch this cycle's finale of America's Next Top Model.

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