Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Call farther for cheaper

With Thanksgiving coming up on Thursday and the rest of the holiday season sure to follow, reconnecting with family near and far is an important priority. I recently came across a great option for people who find their genetic counterparts more geographically dispersed. The PennyTalk calling card offers 1¢ rates for calls made within the U.S. and international rates starting at only 2¢. In many cases, these rates are quite the deal, but keep in mind these usage agreements: the minimum dollar amount card you can purchase is $25, all calls have a 49¢ connection fee, and there is a monthly service charge of 99¢. Even with these small fees, a card like this may be of particular use to people who need to make semi-frequent international cards, as the PennyTalk calling card can be used to call more than 250 countries. Additionally, the card can be used with your cell phone, and certain phones can be entered into your account so that you do not have to use a PIN when dialing from them.

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