Well hello everyone out there! Yes, I'm back, writing about bargains and the like from an all new location--Boston, MA! I've moved in to a great apartment with 2 fabulous roommates and we have all settled in quite nicely. Now that the unpacking and craziness have seemingly settled, I finally have some time to get back to this blog. First thing is first though, I want to let you all know that in addition to my move, I have started writing for a media company that sends insider info and top selections about what’s going on in Boston each week. I’d love for you to check out my stuff and tell me what you think. I write a “channel” called
Boston:"Steals and Deals", which is delivered 3 times per week via text message, and covers all the best bargains and sales in the area. You'll also be able to take part in exclusive deals available only to
80108 clients. You can sign up at
80108, or click one of the the buttons below, which are also among the ads on the borders of my blog. The service is
FREE, but normal text messaging fees from your wireless carrier apply.
80108 has over 70 other channels about various topics in 15 cities – check out any that interest you and please pass the info on to others.
I know that many of you that are reading this are not in the Boston area, but if any of you have unlimited text message plans, it would really help me out if you sign up for the service. Not only does it make me look better to the company by doing a good job of promoting my channel, but I also receive a bonus if I get
50 people to sign up by April 23rd. If you happen to have any friends or family that may be interested, I would also appreciate if you passed along this info to them letting them know about the service. So check out www.80108.com, and if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask!<